Yeast-Free Beer


Much of the food we eat contains yeast, and the same is true for alcohol. Normal amounts of yeast are fine, but yeast contains bacteria. If not processed correctly by your body, it can cause infections.

Thinking of a good way to get drunk while on diet without stressing any weight at the end of the day?  Or tired of having skin rashes after drinking an ample amount of beer? Itchiness? Redness of the face? Allergic symptoms may occur in any part of the body. And this may become annoying as it happens.

Some people have found a way to voice out their concerns about their struggles. Mostly about keeping what’s best for their body. This includes letting go of their favorite vice. Let us first address a common problem few people have been going through upon drinking beer.

Allergic Reactions?

Aside from hangovers and fatigues. Allergic reactions do occur when people drink beers. Yeast is a common allergy and causes a rash on the face. But, the key common allergens are gluten and wheat. Although, Glutton’s intolerance will cause malnutrition and intestine disorders. It’s very rarely will it cause a rash on the face and potentially food poisoning.

You can also learn more about the difference between Distillers Yeast and Baker’s Yeast.

There are different yeasts, and you may be allergic to brewer’s yeast, but not baker’s yeast. If you’re complaining about having allergy reactions after drinking a mug of bee, then it’s less likely because of yeast. That won’t be it especially if you never complain the same thing for eating bread (as bread has more yeast in it). Whether you’re a yeast/ gluten intolerance Or an alcohol allergic in general. Here remain a few facts:

The following allergens or products may trigger an allergy reaction: 

  • Glutens
  • Crustaceans
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Peanuts
  • Soya beans
  • Milk
  • Lactose
  • Nuts
  • Celery
  • Mustard
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sulfur dioxide, and Sulfites

Drinking beer when someone has a glutton intolerance can cause serious medical problems. It can cause an unpleasant rash if someone has an allergy to the brewers’ yeast. Drinking processed beer such as pale lager has less effect than drinking a Belgian ale which is conditioned by a bottle. There are different yeasts, and you may be allergic to brewer’s yeast, but not baker’s yeast. You can be allergic to lager products but not to ale drinks.

Understanding Yeast in Beer

Yeast is an important ingredient in making beer. It is important in the fermentation process or brewing of beer. It converts the carbohydrates and sugars to malted barley or wheat. Yeast action can produce a range of interesting beer aromas and flavors. Flavors as diverse as apple, pepper, or apricot. Many like bananas or cloves. They are the usual flavors of specific types of beer. Others, like butterscotch, may be deemed defects.

Various yeast strains react differently. It is like the environment of beer can be separated according to the yeast. Beer styles in the world can be sorted by their yeast into two broad families:

THE ALE FAMILY – produced by yeast strains that operate better at warmer temperatures. Ales are good to drink in days rather than weeks. Besides producing alcohol, the yeasts create extra flavors such as fruity, spicy. Earthy aromas are not uncommon.

Categorized List of Drinks in Ale Family:

  • Irish Dry Style Stout
  • London Sweet Style Stout
  • Foreign Style Stout
  • Oatmeal Stout
  • Russian Imperial Stout

THE LAGER FAMILY – are fermented by yeast strains that operate well at cooler temperatures. These types of beers must be conditioned or cellared for a few weeks or more. Brewers do that to achieve the best drinkability. Lager is German for a storage location.

Here is the list of drinks categorized in Lager Family:

  • Carling
  • Corona
  • Foster
  • Stella Artois
  • San Miguel
  • Kronen Bourg
  • Amstel
  • Tennent’s
  • Budweiser

What is Yeast in Tolerance?

Yeast Intolerance is a dysbiosis of the intestinal flora. It comes with an increase in the Candida Albicans. It is a type of fungus. A cell that is naturally available in our body. If there’s a low quantity of this cell, it isn’t a problem. But, sometimes the candida Albicans’ cells increase causing reactions classified as “Yeast Intolerance”.

For this matter, the beer is dangerous for yeast intolerant and allergies. It is on the list of the less advisable food for those who suffer from celiac disease.

What is celiac disease? It is an autoimmune disease. The gluten in your diet triggers your white blood cells. It usually attacks tiny finger-like projections called villi. A line your small intestine and help you digest food. To develop celiac disease, you must be eating gluten.

Yeast-Free Beer Diet Guide

Many of the most popular alcoholic beverages, unfortunately, include yeast. For someone who is trying to transition their diet into a yeast-free or gluten-free one, this can come as a disappointment. Again, all beer is brewed with yeast. Yeast is what makes alcohol in beer, wine, liquor, and cider. UNLESS it is filtered like most lagers(who are mass-produced) nowadays.

Yeast is extracted by filtration or a centrifuge. For the most part of this are style and brewery dependent. Beers with less yeast are those with low gravity and are “ale”. The majority of “pale ale” beers in the brand and the lightest colored. Beers such as Kolsch, pilsners, Vienna, and Marzen beers are among the list. While German beers with the term “krystal” are filtered by style preference.

To be specific, here is the list of Alcoholic drinks with less yeast to none:

  • Wine. Wine, red or white, is almost completely free of yeast by the time a winery bottles the product. Yeast is used initially for coloring and flavoring the wine. To make the wine clear, it has to go through a filtration process that clears out the yeast. If yeast were to remain in wine, the wine would become cloudy and distasteful over time. This is because the yeast would continue to allow the wine to become more alcoholic.
  • Domestic Beer. Usually, domestic beers are filtered and pasteurized. The yeast is removed from the drink after the yeast has produced the desired color and alcohol level. Yet, there are some domestic beers that aren’t filtered and pasteurized. Make sure to read the label of your drink. Ask someone if necessary.
  • Vodka is the purest of all alcohol. Vodka goes through a rigorous distillation process that removes the yeast. It is recommended if you are on a yeast-free diet. Though whiskey is a type of alcohol that is made from gluten grains. They are removed to 20 ppm and are safe to drink for Celiacs. But of course, you have to drink at your own risk, because everyone reacts differently.
  • Irish Whiskey. Irish whiskey is created with only the use of malted barley, unmalted barley, and pure water. So yes, this drink of choice is both yeast-free and gluten-free.
  • Bourbon Whiskey is also another of the best options for alcohol-free yeast. There are actually a lot of different types of whiskey that are gluten-free. For example, we have Maker’s Mark, Wild Turkey Bourbon, Queen Jennie Whiskey, and Hudson Bay Bourbon.
  • Gin is another clear alcohol cleared of yeast by filtration before it is bottled. Gin is preservative-free, but it is also known as a diuretic, so be careful when drinking gin. It is, but, a drink that can be consumed on a yeast-free diet. While we’ve listed what kinds of beer that is safe for you,  here are some whom you need to take note of.
  • Draft beer is often not pasteurized so don’t harm the yeast. There is greater yeast in the draft than bottles. Opaque beer refers to an unfiltered/unpasteurized beer. Only with functional and active yeast. Beers like wheat or Weis fall into this group.

What To Do if Allergies Starts Happening After Drinking

If none of what you know could’ve prevented your allergy from happening… then here are the things you urgently needed to do.

  • Seek professional help. You should’ve done this the first time your allergy symptoms started appearing. To make sure what causes this and how to prevent this you need to get help. Although we’ve given you information about being Yeast Intolerant. Asking someone professional on this matter will always be the right thing to do
  • Don’t panic. A certain skin rash won’t kill you in 3 seconds. Drinking meds you weren’t sure of may kill you instead. So be careful. Best to let it be for an hour or more.  Then if rashes start escalating to worse, drive yourself to a nearby clinic and follow #1.
  • Don’t assume easily. You may not be having an allergic reaction from drinking beer. It may have been from some foods you’ve eaten a while ago. Recall what you ate. Most people hardly know what their allergies are until one day happens and symptoms start to show up.  I still prefer you to follow #1.
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